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A Twinkle of Stars

January 4, 2024

As the crisp November air settles in and the clear blue skies lead to star-filled nights, I’d like to introduce you to one of my new works, Midnight SkyThis image was created by photographing a collection of spots on a window pane. Adding a dark backdrop made the spots come alive as glowing points of light.





If you enjoyed seeing this new work, please visit my website to view the second piece in this series, Those Among Us.

Sending warm wishes with winter's approach,


November 2, 2023

Today, I’m excited to share my latest abstract photograph, Ascension, a composition that embraces darkness and light through texture, form and shine.


This piece, like many of my photographs, invites you to interpret it through your own unique lens. Without imposing any predefined narrative, I hope that Ascension sparks something unique in each of your imaginations.


Capturing Beauty

September 20, 2023

As the warm days of summer draw to a close, what better way to encapsulate the season’s essence than through the graceful and vibrant world of butterflies?


I’ve enjoyed their delicate dance in my garden this year, a gentle presence amidst the flowers. Like living works of art fluttering from bloom to bloom, they are captivating creatures. Sometimes the best things come in small packages.

A Dance of Color is one in a new series of abstract macro photographs.
You can view the others by clicking here:

Spread Your Wings

Wishing you joy with the changing leaves and cooler breezes of fall!

Capturing Art within Art

October 19, 2022

Japanese Screen Circa 1870 Meigi Era Shijo School of Painting
My photographer’s mind awakens to aged objects because of their inherent history; old things have so much to reveal. The above Circa 1870’s Japanese screen resonated with me the first time I saw it because of the dimensions of age that are apparent. Japanese Screens, called byōbu meaning “wind wall”, were used as room dividers and to create private spaces. Their history begins in China as far back as 206 B.C. however arrival in Japan during the 7th or 8th century marked the beginning of a long and uniquely Japanese artistic evolution occurring over hundreds of years. 

Kishi Ganku (1749 or 1756-1839)  
Kishi Ganku (1749 or 1756-1839)   Initially made of wood panels with metal, silk or leather hinges, Japanese Screens evolved to a lighter wood frame construction with paper hinges, and silk or paper stretched across both faces to create a perfect canvas for artistic expression. As the artistry of these screens grew their purpose expanded. They were used as diplomatic gifts, at funerals and births, in Buddhist and Shinto temples to emphasize someone or something of honor, and by wealthy members of society (such as the Samurai lords) to convey affluence and power.   

Kanō Sanraku (17th century)  

The variety of artwork and subject matter is vast. Byōbu artists used these special canvases to depict nature, celebrations, poetry, human and animal figures, stories and even instructions. Some screens are painted with black ink alone and others are bold and colorful. Gold leaf, now a signature byōbu style, eventually took these screens to another level of elegance. 

Konoe Nobutada, Waka Byōbu (Poetry Screen), Momoyama period (1573–1615)

The screen I photographed has a silver leaf foundation that reveals itself from behind the paint and dark overtones of age. The luster and hue of the screen change as the light of day changes. These details intrigued me, and seen more closely in tiny parts through my camera lens, the screen transformed into a unique new version of itself. 

Gayle Waterman, (Artwork from top left to bottom right) Path of Hope, Garden Path, Full Bloom, Fresh Start (2022)

Please contact me directly at if you are interested in these new smalls.




​If the Skin Fits, Wear It

May 9, 2022

Recently, I had the opportunity to photograph reptile skins selected from the vast supply available at my favorite boot maker’s business, Stallion Boot Company.

(Stallion Boot Company)
Out of thousands of options, I was drawn to the textures and patterns of reptiles. I’ve never considered myself a fan of reptiles, but once again through the inspiration of the lens, I was fascinated by the patterns that nature provides as a means of protection, evolution, and beauty. As I began processing the images in this body of work, I was surprised by the primal resonance that it created within me. It’s as if I connected to a prehistoric time when these creatures roamed the earth in great numbers.

(Citrine Lace, Diamond Python)
I was interested to discover through a macro lens that the textures and patterns of many reptiles mimic our ancient rock formations that created their kingdoms. The wrinkles in the python look like the sandstone crevasses seen in Canyonlands, Utah or along the Delores River in Western Colorado. The crocodile looks like some of the rock formations near Split Rock in Wyoming.

(Above: Split Rock, WY - Image courtesy of BLM)
(Rocky Road, Crocodile)
And the ostrich, more recently evolved from reptiles, has an eerie resemblance to the human skeletal spine.

(Night Crawler, Ostrich)
The wonder of these animals and their history is yet another reminder of how connected we are to all creatures, to the earth and to each other no matter how different we appear on the outside. In the future I’ll look at reptiles with a different perspective, as if these ancient creatures have wisdom to impart when we take the time to watch and listen. When we look deeply at the layers of the world around us, we’re inspired by the magnitude, wonder and design of creation and the connection among us all. Art is a great adventure in exploring and experiencing the world.

Click here to view the High Desert Collection in my Latest Images Gallery.

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